Im thinking of trying to get people together to work on this stuff now

Idk really but like...

im thinking of making a little team so that youre not just relying on one person that usually leaves this project then comes back and that so we

can well, make updates roll out a bit more frequently and stuff. If you want to work with me you can simply comment on this and when we have around 5 people (or maybe even more resulting on 6 people in total or even more!), we can roll out more stuff and maybe even get BIGGER updates like a re design done WAY more quicker!

But idk if this will really happen...

Sorry if you thought this was an update to the game itself but ye for now theres nothing new


Project.sb3 234 MB
Aug 04, 2022
Scratchs 234 MB
Aug 04, 2022
HTML.html Play in browser
Aug 04, 2022
Aug 04, 2022
ArrowBeats 314 MB
Aug 04, 2022
ArrowBeats 319 MB
Aug 04, 2022

Get Arrow Beats ver.0.044 ( qzeq like quality )


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also ill try get a way for the team to be together online, ill most likely use discord